• Dessert,  Recipe

    Manhattan Cheesecake

    Start this recipe now!! The cherries take at least a day. You’ll thank me in a few. Seriously, these take time and the clock is ticking….but you’ll be the hostess (or host) with the mostest! Whiskey Infused Cherries 2 cups cherries, pitted 1 3/4 cup whiskey 1/3 cup sugar put cherries (less a few for decoration), whiskey and sugar in a saucepan. simmer for 15 minutes until sugar dissolves. pour into mason jar and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. when ready to use on cheesecakes, put over medium heat and cook down alcohol until reduced, about 25-30 minutes.  Crust 2 packs of graham crackers 1/3 cup  brown sugar 1/2…