The Nerdy Gourmet

Madame Babineau’s Lavender Honey

Lavender Honey

This honey smells so divine. I love adding it to my morning Earl Grey tea. 

24 hour prep time, 15 mins cook time, makes 1 cup


Heat honey until thinned. Stir in lavender. Pour into a container (I used a mason jar) and cover at room temperature for 24 hours. Warm again and strain. 

Nerdy Facts

  • lavender is believed to have so many health benefits including being anti-inflammatory, helping with digestive issues and relieving pain. Combined with the antibacterial and sore throat soothing honey and this little infusion packs a powerful punch! 
  • honey is believed to have been consumed by humans since the Stone Age. Prehistoric rock drawings were found of people harvesting honey that date back to 8000 BC. 
  • Honey never goes bad. The oldest honey has been found in the tombs of Ancient Egyptians over 3000 years old- and it’s still edible! 

Nerdy Tip

  • I found organic food grade lavender blossoms on Amazon here. you can easily heat the honey in the microwave for 30 seconds 

  1. thenerdygourmet – Hi friends!! I'm Jenni, The Nerdy Gourmet. I love books and I love food. Combining the two with a splash of travel has become my passion. I am a self taught cook/baker and I believe that everyone can cook from scratch! I'm here with recipes and Nerdy Tips to help along the way. I review books, mostly 'read' via audio, and I create recipes inspired by the story lines. Sometimes if I am deeply moved by a story, I will travel and try my best to experience the book- and bring you along via my blog! I provide all the photographs and content for the Nerdy Gourmet (unless otherwise noted).

    Hi Claudia! I’m so happy that you’ve reached out. Thank you so much fir the kind words and the recommendation!…

  2. Hi Jenni, I heard your husband Greg talking about your new blog and so I thought I would check it…

  3. thenerdygourmet – Hi friends!! I'm Jenni, The Nerdy Gourmet. I love books and I love food. Combining the two with a splash of travel has become my passion. I am a self taught cook/baker and I believe that everyone can cook from scratch! I'm here with recipes and Nerdy Tips to help along the way. I review books, mostly 'read' via audio, and I create recipes inspired by the story lines. Sometimes if I am deeply moved by a story, I will travel and try my best to experience the book- and bring you along via my blog! I provide all the photographs and content for the Nerdy Gourmet (unless otherwise noted).

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